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Today's Pro-Life Reflection
(From Frank Pavone's Pro-Life Reflections for Every Day) 
February 9
"Yes, every man is his 'brother's keeper', because God entrusts us to one another." (Evangelium Vitae, 19)
Reflection: Some people think that because men cannot get pregnant, they have no right to say anything about abortion.
But any human being, male or female, has the right and duty to speak up when someone's life is in danger. Real men don't stand around with their hands at their side when innocent babies are being ripped apart. They do something to defend these children.
Prayer: Lord, thank you for entrusting me to my brothers and sisters in the human family, and for entrusting them to me. Keep us all faithful to this call. Amen.

Deacons For Life
PO Box 236695
Cocoa, FL 32923
Phone: 321-500-1000

Liturgical Resources

Each week, Priests for Life provides an email service to clergy (subscribe at
containing three elements:
  • General Intercessions
  • A one-paragraph bulletin insert
  • Suggestions for drawing pro-life themes out of the Sunday readings for the homily.
Cycle B

En español
Click here for the resources for each Sunday of the Liturgical Cycle! The Sacramentary now offers a mass “For Giving Thanks to God for the Gift of Human Life.” You can download the texts below and also read Frank Pavone's commentary on them.

Mass for Giving Thanks to God for the Gift of Human Life (A) - PDF
Mass for Giving Thanks to God for the Gift of Human Life (B) - PDF