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Today's Pro-Life Reflection
(From Frank Pavone's Pro-Life Reflections for Every Day) 
February 9
"Yes, every man is his 'brother's keeper', because God entrusts us to one another." (Evangelium Vitae, 19)
Reflection: Some people think that because men cannot get pregnant, they have no right to say anything about abortion.
But any human being, male or female, has the right and duty to speak up when someone's life is in danger. Real men don't stand around with their hands at their side when innocent babies are being ripped apart. They do something to defend these children.
Prayer: Lord, thank you for entrusting me to my brothers and sisters in the human family, and for entrusting them to me. Keep us all faithful to this call. Amen.

Deacons For Life
PO Box 236695
Cocoa, FL 32923
Phone: 321-500-1000

Feedback from Deacons for our work

Fr. Pavone, I am third year Diaconate class … Next to EWTN your ministry has been the vehicle that I have (re)rooted my faith and have truly been able to understand the issues of abortion that we don’t hear about otherwise. Keep up the good work your ministry is a blessing to the Church and to all of God’s people. --MH

Dear Fr. Frank, Thank you for your homily ... today is my 15th Anniversary to the Order of Deacon. I really needed to hear your homily --Thanks and God Bless
--Deacon Joe

Keep up your great ministry - we need the leadership you provide.
--Deacon Nick

The accomplishments of Priests for Life are outstanding. We see the results of your work encouraging all of us in the world today. God bless and thank all of you at Priests for Life office. Deacons in the Service of Life is great. We would like to bring it to our Diaconate Community. Thank you and God's choicest blessings for you each and every day. In the love of the living Christ.
--Deacon Ed

Fr. Pavone, I am third year Diaconate class … Next to EWTN your ministry has been the vehicle that I have (re)rooted my faith and have truly been able to understand the issues of abortion that we don’t hear about otherwise. Keep up the good work your ministry is a blessing to the Church and to all of God’s people.

This evening, as I was flipping through the channels on the television, I came across the coverage of the National Right to Life Prayer Breakfast at which you were speaking. Your very straightforward speech riveted my attention, and led me to feel that somehow I need to support and participate in the excellent work of your organization. Thank you for devoting your life to this very important mission of Christ's Church. May God continue to bless your work and shine His light upon you.
-- Deacon Joseph Hulway

To be honest, I don't know how I ended up at this site .... but wow ..I am a recently ordained Permanent Deacon. Thank you for this site. Fr. Frank's bi-weekly profile sounds very interesting. Thank You and May God Bless.
--Deacon Bill

It was indeed a great pleasure and a privilege to meet and hear you. God be with you: don't waver-don't give up, please!!!
--Deacon Dennis

Thank you so much for expanding your website to include Deacons. I am a newly ordained Deacon and am very interested in promoting a deeper spiritual life for all clergy.
--Deacon Ron

I have been so blessed and enlightened by you and fed spiritually from you and your shows etc. I am a validly ordained deacon. A convert from the Greek Antiochian Orthodox Church. Your Servant in Christ.
--Deacon Joseph

Fr. Pavone-Thanks for sending your column to the deacon list. I try to preach often on pro-life issues. The information in this column will be very useful. Keep up the GOOD NEWS.
-- Deacon Bob Davis

Thank you for a great web site. Keep praying for all the abortion victims, and be certain that Our Blessed Lady will invoke her Son’s power to bring about an end to this horrible crime that is so rampant in our country and throughout the world.
-- Deacon John

Thank you for thinking of Deacons. Let us know how we, as a group, can help your organization.
-- Deacon Tom

Very impressive web-site with great resources. May God guide this wonderful movement!
-- Deacon Mike Meismer

May God continue to richly bless the wonderful work that the Priests for Life are doing
-- Deacon James

Blessings to you in the wonderful Name of Jesus! What a valuable ministry you carry on here. I will be signing up for membership in the Canadian organization.
-- Deacon Gord

Thank you very much for remembering us, the Deacons, often times we slip through the cracks.
--Deacon John

I want to be a member of your fine organization. Your web page is great. So are your written products. Keep up the good work.
-- Deacon Gene